Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Shirtfolders: Practitioners of a Simple, Satisfying Art

Imagine your ideal wardrobe, if you will. Do you have it? How do you dream of obtaining it, if you aren't satisfied? All of these questions could be tackled in an entirely different post, of course... However, you might find that you already have your ideal wardrobe, right under your nose! Paring down my clothing inventory is a topic I think of now and then, and I always seem to return to the same conclusion:

  • stick to the basics
  • choose quality
  • keep just enough
  • care for what you do have

There is something to be said about the satisfaction of imagining yourself opening up the drawers of your bureau and seeing your shirts neatly folded, stacked, and ready to grab and just put on. Thinking of keeping my shirts in such order, while knowing much else in my life is somewhat a special kind of chaos, brings me back down to the earth and causes me to marvel at the easiness of it all. As such, this video that I'm posting below ought to inspire you to make your way to your drawer and do a mindful shirt storing meditation. It's almost as fun and aesthetically pleasing as it is simple!

folding shirts, the "japanese way". So they say.


  1. It isn't hard to have the same crisp outcome with a less twisty/tricky sort of folding, too! (Although this Japanese way looks so much cooler!)


  2. I find that this way gives me the motivation because it is a bit more creative. Plus, it has you focusing on what you're doing!
