Sunday, September 18, 2011

on food...

Simple foods. Holy foods. Wholly-foods. They're all the same thing, and they're all around us. They are all naturally occuring! Doy, says you. They need nothing else, aside from a little cooking, maybe, if it's called for. Something has been bothering me for a while. See, when I enjoy foods that are simple, having only their selves as the ingredient, I feel quite good. Not particularly physically, as I (with all graciousness) typically feel fine, no matter what I happen to eat. No, it is mentally, and dare I say spiritually nourishing when I consume a vegetable, root, fruit, egg, etcetera.

That isn't what bothers me. What bothers me is whatever it is that distracts me (and a great many others) from ever eating any other way?

Here is a brief list of the noble qualities that the humble vegetable posesses:
  • The vegetable knows itself. That apple, that pear? It knows what it is, and it is it, presumably without giving it a second thought, or none at all!
  • The vegetable is honest. To the best of it's ability. We intellects may tamper with pesticides and other chemicals, but the vegetable has no interest in tricking you into eating it for its own gain, aside from spreading its own seeds.
  • The vegetable knows what to do, and when.
  • The vegetable lives so it can give. In doing this, it expresses itself freely and becomes one with everything else.
I'm pretty lucky to have ears and eyes to learn from such quiet teachers.

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